Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Same People, Same Passion

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You may have seen in the news that we are entering the process of changing our name from Campus Crusade for Christ to Cru. The decision was announced at our national staff conference and will go into effect in early 2012. We are very excited about this new change. But, because it is a change, and because some of the news coverage has been unfair with some unfounded claims, let me explain it here briefly. The only thing that is changing is the name of the US ministries. That's it. We are still the exact same people with the exact same passion for boldly presenting the gospel so that everyone in the world gets an opportunity to respond to Jesus. The name change in no way was done for the sake of political correctness or because of us being ashamed of the gospel, but was done for the sake of the name of Jesus being lifted high. This name allows us to be more effective (and has already been in use for many years on college campuses like Ball State as many of you know) because it removes people's preconceptions about who we are and allows us to engage in conversations about Jesus more easily, removing as many stumbling blocks to the gospel as we can. The leadership of our organization has done an exemplary job in leading us through this process and presented compelling research to show that we will be more effective in bearing witness to the gospel. So, really, we are the same people with the same passion, but a new name.

-In Christ alone,
The Holowell's (Josh, Whitney and Tyko)

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