Friday, September 6, 2013

The Gospel message really is quite simple. Jesus Loves Me. Its so simple that we are able to train Tyko to start sharing the gospel by using the Knowing God Personally booklet. Next week I might just take him to campus with me to share the gospel with students!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of preaching at our home church New Life Presbyterian on Mark 2. Here is the audio for the sermon: Jesus Calls Sinners to Follow Him.  Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or critiques. I am always looking to improve my communication of God's word.

At the end of July, we went to Fort Collins, CO for the all-US staff conference. We were sad to leave the boys behind especially the day after Finny's birthday, but we entrusted them to the wonderful care of our parents and enjoyed a week of refreshment, encouragement, and training. We heard from Pastor Alistair Begg, our President Steve Douglass, and our national leadership. It was a great reminder that "we are missionaries!" This was a constant theme and we were so encouraged for another fall at Ball State going hard to preach the good news of the gospel to lost students. Thank you for all of your prayers and support which gives us the ability to go to staff conference and to preach the gospel at Ball State and beyond! Please continue to pray that God would root deeply in us that we are missionaries, ambassadors of the King of Glory!

You can check out more info from Staff Conference here: Cru @CSU



Well, its the start of our first fall on campus since finishing our initial support raising and we could not be more excited! Over the past two weeks we have collected almost 2,400 questionnaires from new students on campus and have begun to follow each one up individually and hopefully share the gospel with as many of them as we can. Please pray for all those who indicated that they wanted to explore more about God while at Ball State. Pray that they would get connected with our ministry and that God would open many hearts and allow them to trust in Jesus Christ. Also, pray for us, our fellow staff, and our student leaders as we go hard over the next few weeks to follow up with as many students as possible.


God's grace that is, is all in the details. During the past two weeks we have put on 2 big events that had a lot of details involved. One was our annual kickoff cookout- the Bar-B-Cru! This year we had live music, tons of donated food, and over 1,000 students! By God's grace all the details came together and student leaders stepped up and it happened. The second event was our first Cru (our weekly meeting). While we are short of a few staff I (Josh) have stepped in to help lead the weekly meeting and I was so overwhelmed by the details of it but more overwhelmed by God's provision. Students volunteered for tech setup, we had a live-stream for the first time, and almost 600 students! Please pray that Jesus would be glorified as we continue this ever-important weekly meeting.


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