Saturday, April 2, 2011

Duties, Diapers, and Delights

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The last 3 years have been full of major transitions for us. From single students, to married students, to married ministers of the gospel full-time, to now: married parents and ministers of the gospel full-time. It has not been without its challenges, joys, and sorrows, but the Lord has sustained us through all of these and let us maintain the joy of our salvation. We wanted to let all of you into our lives in this new reality for us of parenthood and what it has looked like for each of us.

Whitney: Motherhood is a full-time job. And transitioning from being on campus most of the day every day to being at home most of the day every day has been harder than I thought it would be. I had some naive notions before Tyko was born that I could just bring him along to everything and that it would be sort of normal. That has not been true. But, it has been great. I still get to spend several hours each day doing ministry in various forms, whether that is discipling girls, bible study, training, or staff functions, it is great to stay involved in the ministry here at Ball State. We have also developed through this a vision for our family that we want our children (yes, we want more) to be involved and grow up in this ministry learning from us and our students that life is about knowing Jesus and making Him known. So, Tyko comes on campus with me and to staff functions (which is not to bad- he is kind of a stud- so he is pretty well liked). It has been a good but hard transition full of great joy. I truly love my new role and where God has placed me.

Josh: So, this year has been a lot harder and a lot more joyful than I thought it would be. Being a dad is awesome. Being a dad is hard. Being a full-time minister of the gospel is awesome. Being a full-time minister of the gospel is hard. I have learned that to glorify God with my life and my time is going to take a great deal of discipline and grace. I need to spend time with Jesus, serve my wife and son, lead and disciple the greek men, and fulfill my staff duties. In that I have been tempted to pity myself and my workload, but by God’s grace alone, I have joyfully accepted it and pursued it fully. I am most excited to disciple my son (and future kids) to know Jesus and make Him known. Its a cool thought. So, what does my day look like. Well, I do staff/planning things in the morning, ministry on campus during the day, dinner time with Whitney and Tyko, and some nights with bible studies or meetings on campus. It looks like a day full of duties, diapers, and delights, Jesus, his glory, and his grace. Its different each day, crazy most days, and tons of fun. I can truly say that I am excited for where God has us and where He is taking us. We love our job, and our family. Thank you so much for making all of this possible through your prayers and support- it truly makes our lives possible! We thank God for you often!

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